Clothing companies mentality

Clothing companies

In the COVID-19 outbreak, Small and Medium-sized clothing companies thinking of Changing Business Direction.

Under the epidemic, the entrepreneurs in the clothing industry have their own situations, but all have the same voice-difficult!

The impact of the covid-19 epidemic on clothing companies is huge. In order to stop the epidemic, people not going out if not necessary, most of the clothing companies that use physical stores as sales channels desolate, and those who turned to e-commerce are also facing various problems.

In good times, the comprehensive strength of an enterprise depends on data, and in adversity, in addition to data, it depends on the efforts of entrepreneurs! Faced with the force majeure epidemic, entrepreneurs need to eliminate interference, strip out a model suitable for their own situation, and maintain clear decision-making.

By contacted the heads of many clothing companies by telephone. How did they respond to the sudden outbreak?

Carry out public welfare classesA garment trade company in JiangsuMain business: production

The person in charge of the company said that in fact, in 2019, there is a business section that is not very ideal. At the moment of the epidemic, it is the critical moment of decision. At the moment, there are also things that I wanted to do last year but did not do, and dare to take steps.

In order to maintain the existing customer base, the company will always hope to carry out online public welfare courses, which is a fresh attempt for customer maintenance, and it is also a specific response to the outbreak. Doing public welfare live lectures on business courses can not only strengthen the close relationship with customers, but also output the positive energy of the brand to weather the difficulties together. During the Spring Festival, the company actively used the convenience of the Internet and actively carried out public welfare live broadcast classes. All team members can work from home to achieve seamless communication with customers.

It seems that doing public welfare business courses has nothing to do with company management. The actual relationship is very great. Entrepreneurs who have suffered from the epidemic are struggling. The launch of public welfare live courses is not only the transfer of experience and information, but also the transfer of confidence. This is the right time for both upstream and downstream companies to work or home, and they can receive more effective information and make more correct decisions.

Many companies in the industry have a lot of operating sectors, and it will be more stable to take a diversified line. Sometimes the very labor-intensive sectors, whether to keep or break, often trouble the operators. The epidemic has pressed the enterprise’s pause button, which also brings operators Time for thinking.

Using more suitable Internet tools to link customers and hearts is a kind of cultural power and upward power.

Wait and seeA fabric company in Zhejiang, Main business: R & D and trade

The person in charge of the enterprise believes that the current situation is still unclear. Whether it is an enterprise or an individual, the first thing to do is to obey the overall situation. The epidemic situation has indeed had a certain negative impact on enterprises, but at the moment, we must work hard to fight the epidemic. As the person in charge of the enterprise, you must also adjust your body and mind to prepare for the resumption of production in the next stage.

The specific impact of this epidemic on enterprises is still being evaluated. At present, enterprises have not carried out special measures, and more are waiting and seeing.

Maintaining an optimistic attitude, actively watching the development of the epidemic, waiting is also a strategy.

There are many similar situations in the industry. This epidemic has made many companies learn to think deeply and constantly review and summarize. The pace of work is not as fast as before, and there is more peace and reflection.

Quickly analyze pros and cons, wait for opportunitiesAn e-commerce clothing company in Zhejiang, Main business: R & D, production and e-commerce integration

The person in charge of the company said that he had just started to analyze the market as soon as he knew the epidemic situation. Based on his experience of being an e-commerce merchant who needed to return quickly, he analyzed that the recovery of the entire industry chain system would be slower, and new market opportunities would slowly emerge, but needed time. The company decided not to do R & D or promote business at this time, and gave the team a long vacation, because most of the partners who have shares also agreed with his ideas and were waiting for opportunities.

The most important thing is that he feels that the crisis is great after the epidemic, but also good opportunity. He is not worried, but also not blindly optimistic. The opportunity must wait slowly. The future is bright, but the road is tortuous, and for him, not moving is a safer opportunity.

Generally speaking, most companies engaged in R & D business have a keen sense of smell, and they will think about what will happen to people’s mentality in this epidemic? What will happen to my lifestyle? Learn more about the information in order to develop new products and categories to meet market needs.

New opportunities, Cross-border is borderless

A mask, the national linkage, Sinopec directly started construction after buying more than 100 production lines, what does it mean? Cross-border! Cross-border is borderless!

BYD Auto has also produced masks across borders. What does it mean? There are too many possibilities for cross-border of the clothing industry!

For example, the patterns often required by clothing are used on fabrics, most of them on bags or shoes, and they are still in the clothing industry. What if you cross the border on wallpaper, cars, dishes? The business area has completely opened the door.

Turn counter operations into short video operationsA shoe and clothing brand agent in Hunan

The person in charge of the company said that the original basic businesses were all offline store counters, and they knew that online was the trend, but they had not paid much attention to it. Now that the epidemic is coming, the mall counters are open for business, but there are no customers, and they must switch to online live broadcast.

However, the company did not have the experience of doing live broadcasts, and it was too late to hire people to operate it. The company slowly explored, and finally found that the short video method is relatively suitable, and began to do it. This is the era of force, not turn around.

In fact, as a retail terminal company, it is very clear that online business must keep up, but it is always delayed. Because learning new business operations is cumbersome, time-consuming, and anxious, less than a last resort, no action is required. There are many forward-looking things that must be done in advance so as not to be passive.

For many retail companies in the industry, the hardest part is to bring out the retail team. A good employee needs at least 3 years. They are willing to train employees, and they are willing to carry it together when they encounter difficulties. The bosses can close stores, and the employees are their wealth, so they will quickly switch from offline to online to maintain their customers.

Keep calm and develop new resourcesShanghai clothing network company

The person in charge of the company said that when he encountered such a black swan incident, he was so anxious to stay at home for a day, but he could only stay at home.

He judges to get at least June, anyway, for him, there will be no chance in the industry in the first half of the year. But confidence is still there! He said, just like Sun Wukong, if he is satisfied with being the King of Huaguo Mountain, he can be very happy, but he is willing to endure hardships and experience the difficulty of reaching Xitian after 1981. Because of this persistence and moving forward, he is freedom.

This time is a stage for everyone to look at themselves very well, forcing everyone to calm down and see what kind of person they are, what they can do, what kind of people they can be. Especially as the person in charge of the enterprise, his own mental state will affect the team in a profound way. How can he not be anxious and worried? However, I believe that the days will always get better, I believe that once the epidemic passed, all the industry is full of spring. Even if we are facing difficulties now, we must also believe that it will get better and better.

Now, resources other than the company are being gradually activated and re-integrated to meet new market demands.

Many enterprise resources may be difficult to use under the epidemic situation, but the leaders’ own resources are larger resources, and many have not been well developed. This epidemic is the best time to introspect yourself. It is because of introspection that you can revitalize your personal resources and develop them.

Integrate more outstanding talents into new teams, do better industry segmentation, and industrial chain layout.

The heart is strong, the mountain is a small stone; With great effort, small stones are also a big mountain.

In the epidemic, calm head is the key to every boss’s victory.

These interviews touched me very much. Every entrepreneur is a history of inspirational entrepreneurship.

When you plan for the worst and make the best arrangements, you can calm down easily.

On one side is “on the road”, the spirit of the past is in full swing;

One side is “Hometown”. Do you want to stop?

Under the epidemic situation, I am most afraid of too many prejudgments and reading too many comments, which will interfere with myself and waste decision time.

When others are tangled, if you have set sail, you will definitely outperform.

All this tests all entrepreneurs how to survive, how to retain excellent talents, how to think more calmly and make the right decisions, and to explore new opportunities in the industry.

Whatever the direction of the operators in 2020, we need to be prepared.


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